Washington DC One-Stop

An Effective Practice


The Washington DC One-Stop partnered with CVS Pharmacy to create a full service hiring, training, and retention program located in the One-Stop. The program houses a prototype unit of a mock CVS store and pharmacy, and provides training through the director level. Non-profit, city and community based organizations provide key hiring and retention services, including post-employment job coaches that follow-up with new associates for up to one year. CVS provides a specific path and clear specifications for promotion, and "upgrade" training is available for the store's departments. The initial center has been replicated in Detroit, Atlanta, New York, Baltimore, and New Jersey. The project is funded by WIA, TANF, and CVS.

Goal / Mission

The goal of this program is to help move people from public assistance to employment.

Results / Accomplishments

Since 1996 it has hired over 18,000 people on public assistance, with a retention rate of 70%. Many of those employees have been promoted at least once, some up to three or four times.

About this Promising Practice

One-Stop and CVS Pharmacy
Primary Contact
Steve Wing
DC Department of Employment Services
609 H Street, NE
Washington, DC 20002
(330) 487-6957
Economy / Employment
Economy / Government Assistance
One-Stop and CVS Pharmacy
Finance Project
Date of publication
Jan 2004
Date of implementation
Washington, DC